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Jubilee 2025
Team Application- Camp St. Martin 2024
Application to be on Team for the 2024 Camp St. Martin summer season.
Applicant Information
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
2023 Graduate
(if applicable)
Mobile Phone
Home Phone
(if applicable)
Street Address or PO Box
Postal Code
T-Shirt Size
Which camps are you wanting/able to help with?
Lead Week (Gr. 9-12): Aug 5th-10th, 2024
Jr. HIgh Week (Gr. 7-8): Aug 11th-16th, 2024
Elementary Week (Gr. 4-6): Aug 18th-21st, 2024
Tell Us About Yourself: Camp
What camp experience do you have?
(Please check all that apply)
Camper at CSM
Jr. Counselor at CSM
Sr. Counselor at CSM
Other Team Role at CSM
Camper at other camps
Counsellor at other camps
I have never attended camp
Please describe your camp experience.
(Including CSM and other camps you have attended)
Areas of Interest:
Please check all that apply
Liturgy (mass prep, reading, altar serving, etc)
Sports & Games (volleyball, ultimate frisbee, soccer, etc.)
Waterfront (canoeing, waterfront safety, clean up, etc.)
Hospitality (welcoming, environment, etc.)
Administration (registration, paperwork, document creation, etc.)
Public Speaking (giving talks, testimonies, etc.)
Workshops (leading/creating a faith formation session, etc.)
Programming (planning & developing camp programs and activities, etc.)
Music MInistry (playing instruments/singing for mass, adoration, campfire, etc.)
First Aid (must be certified)
Kitchen Helper (meal prep, dishwashing, cooking, etc.)
Please list any other interests/skills that are not listed above
Tell Us About Yourself: Spiritual
How would you rate your prayer life?
Only when I need something from God
Please describe what prayer looks like for you.
(When, Where, What, How, etc.)
How often do you attend Mass?
A few times a year
A few times a month
A few times a week
Rule of Life- please read before proceeding
Camp St. Martin Rule of Life
To facilitate an encounter with Christ in the context of Christian Community.
A community united in Christ is a great joy for it is a reflection of what is to come, a reflection of heaven.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133:1)
What is a rule of life? A rule of life is a discipline or way of living that one uses to accomplish what one wishes to accomplish. You want to be a counselor, you need to love a certain way. Adopting a rule of life, a discipline, will help you to accomplish that. As Camp St. Martin Counsellors and team members, we strive to be united in Christ and in service of one another following the example our patron, St. Martin of Tours. We do so under one rule lived out each in our own individual way as our vocation and state in life permits.
“Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.” – Padre Pio
We are to be committed to a life of prayer – conversation with Christ. The entirety of the camp experience for all (team & campers) hinges on prayer, without which we work in vain.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.” (Psalm 127:1-2)
Each’s prayer life will look different depending on their charisms (gifts/style) and experience. One should not measure their prayer life according to another but by asking – How do I pray now? How long have I been praying in this way and has it
become a habit? What can I add prudently? How do I want my prayer life to look? What is God calling me to? What am I able to do now?
A good life of prayer is built on:
1. A firm commitment to a relationship with Christ.
2. A commitment to a certain form of prayer including time and place.
3. Persevering in your prayer commitment until it becomes habitual.
4. A commitment to grow by building on your prayer as previous commitments become habitual and firm in both times of desolation and consolation.
5. A resolution to review these commitments and recommit regularly.
Our base commitments as a community include:
• Scripture:
As people of prayer we must be rooted in the word of God and desire to not only speak to Him but hear His word. Thus, a commitment to scripture is non-negotiable. We strive to read the scriptures daily or weekly in the least on Sundays. Consider committing to “no bible, no breakfast” or “no bible, no bed”.
• Sunday Mass:
We desire to be Christ to those we serve and thus must abide in Him and with Him by the reception of His very self. (If you’re not attending Sunday Mass the greatest effort should be made to commit to this for the good of self and others.)
• Reconciliation:
A spirit of conversion is crucial if Christ is to affect us and others in any profound way. We must not be afraid to experience Christ’s love and mercy in this sacrament.
“God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” – John 3:17
At Camp
Praying with a community in the context of camp is easier than on your own at home, but it will look different as you will be praying possibly different prayers. If you’ve committed to praying a daily rosary, but you find it difficult to do so in the context of camp, it is perfectly suitable to substitute this prayer for another such as team morning prayer. Team members must participate in all scheduled prayer times including daily mass.
Community and Accountability
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)
We live as a Catholic Community within the Church Community of the Archdiocese of Grouard – McLennan to serve the least of our brothers and sister as did St. Martin of Tours.
Some communities are permanent (family, religious orders) others are transitional. The CSM Team is a transitional community and thus one’s term in the community is temporary as discerned by the Camp directors and the individual. The standard term for CSM Team members is from May 1st to the end of August. During this time we intentionally live as one community under one rule of life.
Pride, Gossip/Slander, Ingratitude and Suspicion can quickly destroy a community. We must eradicate these from our hearts through acts of Humility, Affirming Speech, Gratitude and Trust/Trustworthiness.
We need a community to live a Christian life. Accountability is crucial if one is to live out and grow in any commitment. CSM Team members are to be held accountable to their personal prayer commitment and to the CSM Rule of Life by one another. Specifically, by their accountability partner which is another community member of the same gender. CSM Directors are to act as mentors, checking in and supporting all team members with this commitment.
Out of respect for the importance of CSM’s mission and to remain free from distractions and focus on our relationships with Christ, CSM Team members commit to not pursuing romantic relationships within the CSM community during their term.
We live in service of one another through prayer, accountability and living our daily lives well both at camp and at home. We prepare best for camp by committing to a holy way of life in ordinary day to day tasks. If you’re a student, do it well for the Glory of God, if you’re at work, do it well for the Glory of God, if you’re a Mom or Dad, do it well for the Glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
We must also care for our bodies to serve better.
• Rest well, Eat well and Exercise Well.
In living this Rule of Life, we hope to be a Christian Community through which others encounter Christ, a reflection of heaven.
I have read this document and I am able to live by the Camp St. Martin Rule of Life.
Spiritual Reference
Please give the name and contact information of a spiritual reference or attach a Spiritual Reference Letter below.
Max. file size: 50 MB.