St. Joseph (1902) – Spirit River

Visit on Facebook


Sunday 11:00 am
Every 3rd Sunday of the month – 10:00 am (@ either Rycroft or Spirit River, please contact the pastor for details)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 9:00 am
Tuesday – 7:00 pm
First Friday of the month – 7:00 pm
Saturday – 9:00 am

Dec. 24th: 4:00 pm, 12:00 am
Dec. 25th: 10:00 am
Jan. 1st: 10:00 am

Sacrament of reconciliation

half-hour before Mass or by appointment


9:30 am- 7:00 pm on the first Friday of each month


Pastor: Rev. Arockiam Savarimuthu
Phone: 780-864-3610
Cell: 780-864-8053
Fax: 780-864-3616
Parish Email:
Fax: 780-864-3616
Address: 5019 – 43 Avenue, P.O. Box 9, Spirit River, AB T0H 3G0
Facebook Group: Rycroft, Silver Valley, Spirit River and Wanham Catholic Parishes

School Contact Information

Ste. Marie Catholic School P.O. Box 247 Spirit River, Alberta TOH 3GO 
Phone: 780-864-3585 
Fax: 780-864-4446