Request for Financial Assistance for Camp St. Martin 2024

The Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan wants everyone to have the opportunity to come to Camp St. Martin this summer. We don’t want the camper fee to be an obstacle. Through the generous donations of people and organizations, we are able to offer assistance with the camp fees to those who request it.

To be able to accept all the requests for “camperships”, we simply ask you, the parent or guardian of the camper(s), to pay what you can towards the CSM fee. Please fill out this form and submit it with the supporting documents. The deadline for making your request is June 30, 2024.

Request for “Campership” Assistance

Camper 1: Name(Required)
CSM week the camper would attend:(Required)
Please write a brief explanation why you think Camp St. Martin would be a benefit to this camper.

Additional camper information (if applicable)

Camper 2 (If applicable): Name
CSM week the camper (2) would attend:
Please write a brief explanation why you think Camp St. Martin would be a benefit to this camper (2).

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian name:(Required)
Please provide the contact information for one of the camper’s parents or guardians that we may contact when their financial assistance is approved.
Email of parent/guardian:(Required)
We ask, if possible, to pay what you can towards the CSM fee. The campership assistance will then cover the rest.