Deanery Group Sharing on May 2nd for the 2023 Diocesan Clergy Study Days - "Chapter 2 - Rebuilding My House: From Vatican II to Pope Francis" Diocesan Clergy Study Days are a series of workshops for the Catholic clergy of the Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan, hosted by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. See the full schedule […]
Confirmations to be celebrated at St. Joseph Catholic Church, presided by Archbishop Pettipas – May 2nd
The Alberta March for Life will take place in Edmonton on May 11th. It begins with Mass at St. Joseph's Basilica followed by a march at the Alberta Legislature. Archbishop Pettipas will preside with other Alberta bishops at the Mass.
Begins with Mass for Life at St. Joseph Basilica 10:00 am Followed by speeches and march from the Edmonton legistlature
Holy Family Catholic Regional Division host their Faith Day
Archdiocesan Pastoral Council meet at Our Lady of Peace Church in Peace River on May 15th, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
The Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennan will be hosting this year's Canadian Catholic Financial Administrators Conference. The Diocese of St. Paul and the Diocese of Prince George are also co-hosting the conference. Administrators with the finance departments of Catholic dioceses and eparchies across Canada will be in our region from May 28th-June 1st. The week includes talks, workshops, and a tour of various communities in the archdiocese. The conference begins in Grande Prairie on May […]